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Brief CV

  • PhD, Xiamen University (1998)

  • Lecturer,Xiamen University (1998-2001)

  • Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2001-2006)

  • Professor, Xiamen University (2006-)

Research Interests

  • Marine Ecology

  • Restration Ecology

  • Red Tide Sciences

  • Ecological Engineering

Selected Publications

  • Lin Shiquan, Huang Lingfeng, Lu Jiachang. Weak coupling between heterotrophic nanoflagellates and bacteria in the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass area. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2014, 33(9): 125–132.

  • Zheng Xinqing, Huang Lingfeng, Wang Qian, Lin Rongcheng. Amphipods fail to suppress the accumulation of Ulva lactuca biomass in eutrophic Yundang Lagoon. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2014, 33(12):155-162.

  • Jiachang Lu., Lingfeng Huang, Yuanrong Luo, Tian Xiao, Zengjie Jiang, Linnan Wu. Effects of freshwater input and mariculture (bivalves and macroalgae) on spatial distribution of nanoflagellates in Sungo Bay, China. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 2015, 6: 191–203.  (Impact Factor: 2.34).

  • Cuixia Zhang, Wuchang Zhang, Xiaobo Ni, Yuan Zhao, Lingfeng Huang, Tian Xiao. Influence of different water masses on planktonic ciliate distribution on the East China Sea shelf. Journal of Marine Systems, 2015, 141: 98-111.  (Impact Factor: 2.48).

  • Shiquan Lin, Lingfeng Huang, Zhisheng Zhu, Yuan Xiong, Jiachang Lu. Distribution of nanoflagellates in five water masses of the East China Sea in autumn and winter. Deep-Sea Research II, 2016, 124: 93-99. (Impact Factor: 2.76).

  • Linnan Wu, Shiquan Lin, Lingfeng Huang, Jiachang Lu, Wenzhao Chen, Weidong Guo, Wuchang Zhang, Tian Xiao, Jun Sun . Chain response of microbial loop to the decay of a diatom bloom in the East China Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 2016, 124: 109-116.

  • Jiachang Lu, Lingfeng Huang, Tian Xiao, Zengjie Jiang, Wuchang Zhang. The effects of Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) on the microbial food web in a phosphorus-deficient mariculture system in Sanggou Bay, China. Aquaculture, 2015, 448: 341-349.

  • Xinqing Zheng, Lingfeng Huang, Rongcheng Lin, Jianguo Du. Roles of epiphytes associated with macroalgae in benthic food web of a eutrophic coastal lagoon. Continental Shelf Research, 2015, 110: 201-209.

  • Si Guang Liu, Yuan Rong Luo, LingFeng Huang. Dynamics of size-fractionated bacterial communities during the coastal dispersal of treated municipal effluents. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2016, 100(13): 5839-5848. DOI 10.1007/s00253-016-7408-9.

  • Li Zhao, Yuan Zhao, Jianhong Xu, Wuchang Zhang, Lingfeng Huang, Zengjie Jiang, Jianguang Fang, Tian Xiao. Distribution and seasonal variation of picoplankton in Sanggou Bay, China. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 2016, 8: 261–271.
